Week in Review - October 28-31

We had a busy week as we began our new literacy groups, explored pumpkins, began creating a collaborative art piece of the Alberta rural landscape and celebrated Halloween.  Here are a few snapshots from our learning this week.
 Creating silly jack o'lanterns for our classroom. 
 Sorting in math. 
 Ask your child what these two letters say when they are together.
  Ask your child what these two letters say when they are together.

 Students painting our rural Alberta landscape.
 Creating train tracks. 
 The Rocky Mountains. 
 Painting grain elevators. 
Our collaborative art piece in progress. 

 We measured, weighed and described our pumpkins.  Then we took turns removing the seeds.  Students worked together to group the seeds and then we counted by 5's!  
 Our poem of the week was 5 Little Pumpkins.  On Thursday students were challenged with designing and building a gate for their 5 pumpkins using clothes pins and popsicle sticks. 
Thanks for reading!
Please check back for updates throughout the week. 


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